Dealing with & Stopping Bullying 🗳
Bullying has destroyed many lives, it sucked the light of a lot of shining stars, those –mostly- young people who could have grown up and
brought something new to the society, who could have made a change. It really
pains me to see that there is such bad in our world. It’s almost unbelievable
how small words could leave huge deep scars that could take ages to heal or
could get even worse with time. It really hurts that people don’t realize the
impact their words could have on someone. It’s so sad to know that some people died committing
suicide because of this while others are still hurt and suffering but
fortunately, still fighting. Personally, I’ve never really been bullied , apart
from bullying on the Internet, but I know a few victims. I know people who have been called terrible
names « ugly, fat, anorexic, nerd, useless, freak, whore, gay, loser, butt
face, crybaby »etc. I also know people who taunt others, threaten them, beat
them, wish them death, mock them, humiliate them in front of others, spread rumours
about them, make up stories just to get them in trouble, reveal their secrets…
The list is endless.The worst part is that these people think they’re funny when
they don’t know they are destroying others’ lives. They do it for attention.
Attention is what they crave. They beat people, insult them, humiliate them,
ALL for attention. If you are being bullied, then now you know their purpose,
so don’t give them what they want. Don’t give them attention they do not
deserve. Try not to listen to them, I know it’s extremely hard not to but try
to not care. After all, they don’t have the right to judge you, only God can
judge us. Everything they say is not true which means you shouldn’t think about
it that much. Yes, words can and do hurt but we can’t just give up and let them
ruin us, can we ? That’s not the solution. You’re way stronger than
this ! If you ever hear them in the hallways laughing at you or saying
mean things to you, take a deep breath ,walk away and pretend you didn’t hear
it ,even though you did. But try to calm down. It’s just a bunch of stupid
immature kids who want to piss you off and you won’t let them. You’re capable
of controlling yourself and your feelings, it’s not like an impossible thing to
do! Pretend nothing happened and enjoy the rest of your day. Don’t waste your
precious time ! Life is too short to care about some pathetic bullies. If
you ever feel the need to cry, don’t do it in front of them, DON’T give them
the satisfaction. Cry if it makes you feel better. Cry and then wipe off your
tears and show me your biggest smile. Not your fake smile, smile like you mean
it. This may sound so cliché but YOU can help yourself out because giving up to
bullies won’t help you get over it.
If you aren’t a victim of bullying but you see someone who
is, please help them. Tell a
parent or a teacher or anyone responsible. Gather your friends and tell the
immature kids to back off and leave your friend alone because it has to stop! People are
suffering non-stop. We can’t just sit around and hope for a better world.
Please spread the word and DON’T remain idle !!
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